
What are some cooking activities I can do with preschoolers?

by Guest64206  |  earlier

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What are some cooking activities I can do with preschoolers?




  1. this  is  a little  different  but  apples with peanutbutter stick them together but  then open them up a little and put in  little marshmellows

  2. Rice Krispie treats, cookies, "mud" pudding with gummy "worms".

  3. I tough special Ed pre-school class, it depended on the season, in the fall we would make apple sauce, butter, we would make green eggs and ham, however first we would introduce the book. jello shapes, letters, numbers. In the summer we make dirt pies, choc puddings whip cream and gimme worms,veggies and dip, cheese and checkers

    Always have the kids help and be a part of this process, small motor skills,pre schools love cooking.

  4. You could make home-made play dough with everyday ingredients you use around the kitchen and this will help with their texture, scent and craft skill.

  5. Rice Krispy treats and for a little difference add M&M's

  6. You can actually bake some cookies, maybe the Pillsbury cookie dough that comes in the roles, or you could teach them how to make a chocolate mud pie,like you could put gummy worms in it with some chocolate pudding and stuff.

  7. i always loved cookies like chocolate chip... or... gingerbread!

  8. Make smores in the microwave...

    All you need are gram crackers, chocolate (I like Hershey), and marshmellows, or fluff. Put it together and stick it in the  microwave...

  9. Ants on a Log,  Which are Peanut Butter spread on Celery sticks with Raisins.

  10. Put heavy whipping cream into a Mason jar of a size the kids can hold on the top and bottom, have them all sit in a circle on the floor, and pass the jar around, each child shaking it for, say, ten or fifteen shakes. (You can have more than one jar going around, depending on how many kids there are.)

    Everyone counts together while each child shakes the jar. Before long, the cream will turn into butter. Spread the butter on soda crackers for a snack.

  11. you could make hot chocolate,smores, pudding or jello. Also peanut

    butter crackers, marshmallow cream with peanut butter on toast.

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