
What are some cool airsoft games to play with 2 people? how about with 3 players?

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we arent huge players... we just bought pistols, and want some sort of game to play...thx




  1. With 2 people, you can play cat and mouse.  Whoever gets hit first wins.  You can stand back to back and step 5 or 10 paces away from each other and then on 3 shoot.  Whoever shoots somebody first wins.  You can also just sit outside shooting cans and bottles.

    With 3 people, you can play airsoft tag.  It's just like regular tag except using airsoft guns.  

    With 4 or more, you can play capture the flag or elimination.  Elimination is just whoever gets hit, goes out and whoever is the last standing wins.  You can also play elimination in teams.

    Remember to wear safety glasses when you play.  (Even though I don't)

  2. There's a couple of games me and my friends play that are pretty fun. Theres the classic capture the flag. Each team starts off with a flag and you must capture the opposing teams flag and bring it back to your flag station to win.

    Middle flag, same concept but there is only 1 flag and its in the middle of the course and team to capture it first wins.

    President. One member of each team is the president and the game is over if he gets shot. So the teamates but be willing to sacrifice themselves to save the president.

    Hide and Go Seek. One person hides while the others try to find him.

    Conservative Shooter. Each player has 3 pellets and must be careful with how they shoot because they only get those three shots.

    Duel. Mono on Mono. 10 paces usually suffices.

    Rabbit. 1 person is the rabbit and has unlimited ammo. The other players hunt the rabbit and only have 3 shots.

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