
What are some cool colors i can use to put in my hair?

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right now my hairs blonde,brown,red and blue but only they look so faded that it looks white,any good color combinations i could use?




  1. give this a go

    go all black. and put:




    electric blue

    the colors should stand out more.

  2.   I recently dyed the under half of my hair Blue.

    I am very pleased with it. I have Brown hair though.

    So I think it would look pretty cool if you did the

    same,plus put some thin Blue high*lights in the

    remaining Blond.

  3. well die ur whole hair the normal colour the put the others in a later

  4. hehehe

  5. my daughter has hot pink panels in her hair that she touches up about once a week, by having panels and not regular highlights, she is able to touch them up herself without too much difficulty with the manic panic color they sell at hot topic. maybe try getting your hair back to it's natural color and try the panels so you can keep the colors up yourself. also with panels the roots don't show so bad like highlights do.

  6. I have a fohawk now.. I have Black,Blonde,Red, & Purple it looks pretty sick...the reds kinda faded and goes into an orange..  

  7. Please not hot pink! Pink does not look good as a hair colour...especially not blond and pink.

    Well my friend dyed her hair rainbow! Her fringe and back of her head were black...and on the sides it was, orange, yellow, then on the other, blue, purple. It looked great! They all blanded in fantastically and hse got so much attention for it!

    If you want to try soemthing diffreent then go rainbow! You can play around with where you wnat the colours...and if you wnat an extra colour like black or whatever!

    Goodluck! Have fun! Be carerful!

  8. i really like chocolate brown hair

    or dark dark brown with pink ends

  9. Try making it all black:)

  10. Pink

  11. Caramel, chocolate, blonde, redish-brown, and mahogany.  

  12. Black and pink are pretty awesome so is black and red... I just always wish I could do that to my hair but I am not that type of person... Well have fun with it :-)

  13. try this site i surely you'll love it:

    it talks about:

    What Hairstyle Suits Me Best?

    My Face Shape

    Hair Growing Tips

    Hair Color Disasters

    Homemade Hair Treatments

    Diet & Healthy Hair

    Causes Of Hair Damage

    All About Straight Hair

    All About Curly Hair


  14. just visit-

  15. HOT PINK! and purple is gorgeous!

  16. dye it all black with all over dark red streaks

    freakin cute!

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