
What are some cool ideas for a 14 yr. old girl's bday party???

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HELP! I want to have a party, but i am worried because i don't want it to be a total flop :( I would invite about 10 girls (mom's limit) and my birthday is November 1st, the day after Halloween. I don't know what is fun for a birthday party when i am 13 going on 14. I don't get invited to parties that often that are outside of my HUGE family :( So please help my pathetic self with some ideas !!






  1. if you tell me more about your interest and how much you want to spend I'd be happy to help. Also are you looking to have this party at your house, inside or outside? Email me

  2. hmm, how bou' a fairy tale b-day, rockstar b-day, your favorite movie themed

    or a luau

  3. How about a "project" birthday party?  Invite your ten friends and plan on making one of your favorite things.  If you love jewelery, how about a jewelry making party?  You could extend it to a sleepover, which is great fun!  If you are into cooking, you could make it a food themed party like a pizza-making party and make/buy the dough and create pizzas for eating.  Snacks will keep the nibbling fun and not ravenous as the pizzas are baked.  We have made cupcakes and cookies too, and send them home on decorated plates.  We make sure there is a supply of movies to watch and board games to play, as well as card games.  Using tech games involves bringing in others to the party, and would probably not be such a good idea here.  But hey, that could be another theme if that is what you are really into.

    Pick out what you love to do, find people who you like to be with and share these interests.  Have mom help with the food and necessary supplies.  Ask your friends for ideas/advice and keep it under control.  Expand it to a sleepover if you'd like to share even more time.  Nov. 1 is a special day...we have one in our family too!  Have a great time!  

  4. ever have a camp out? my b-day is around the same time (scorpio's are sooo s**y) lol.  Yeah a camp out.. like outside.. in a tent.... lol..

    I know it's gonna be chillii.. that's the best part: no BUGS, and another reason to make a fire... Pass around the smores..


  5. Maybe going to the movies? but that could be expensive. Or maybe go to a nearby larger town (if you dont live in one already) and just walk around and shop?

  6. Have you thought about a sit down dinner party. Get everyone to dress up and then have a 3 course meal. Food doesn't need to be fancy just something that your mum likes making - birthday cake as dessert. Serving lemonade in champagne glasses (plastic of course!) Make name place cards and have serviettes, candles etc matching.

    Just a bit of grownup fun!

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