
What are some cool places to go visit in Brazil?

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Not counting Rio de Janeiro, perhaps something that the typical foreign tourist would not go to.




  1. RIO DE JANEIRO (State of Rio de Janeiro, not the city of Rio):

    If you spend a little bit more time, you can to visit Petrópolis. About 1 hour or less from Rio de Janeiro (city), by bus.

    You must see there a big organ and a famous hotel called "QUITANDINHA").

    Teresópolis, another town is very beautiful. Petrópolis and Teresópolis are twin towns, because it was build for our King Pedro II and the Queen Teresa.

    In Teresópolis, you see a mountain called "Dedo de Deus" (that means, God's finger) from the main avenue. From a small tower, you have a sight of the "Granja Comari", a beautiful ranch used by the national brazilian football (soccer) team.

    Nova Friburgo (a german town); Penedo (a town founded by immigants from Finland. Very nice!) Itatiaia and Resende, where you can find the "Pico das Agulhas Negras" and the Brazilian Army's academy (AMAN); Cabo Frio, Araruama and Búzios, all with very good beaches.

    Paraty with an architeture of XVIII century have a international festival of literature - FLIP.




    If you want something coldest, you can goes to the "Serras Gaúchas", very nice european look places.

    Rio Grande do Sul, on argentinian border, have descendants of germans, italians, portuguese and russians.

    The most beautiful girls and the most famous brazilian top models (Gisele Bündchen, Anna Hickmann, Shirley Malmann) are from Rio Grande do Sul.

    You must to visit "Serras Gaúchas" (mountains). A very, very beautiful place to go. The best towns are Canela e Gramado best known by it festivals of cinema, advertsing and chocolate. There,are, also, a tonw in miniature. Good for pictures.


    A very beautiful state sttled by descendants fo germans, portuguese and italians.

    As in Rio Grande do Sul, a big part of the population is blond with blue eyes.

    I recommend to visit Blumenau, Pomerode (german towns) and Balneário Camboriú, with wonderful beaches. Pomerode is best known for extreme sports.

    The Oktoberfest is in Blumenau, in october, of course.

    The capital is Florianópolis (best known as "Floripa") a very beautiful island-city best known for the bridge and it many beaches and girls. Nice place for surfing.


    A must-see place is Foz do Iguaçú, with the greatest falls ("Cataratas do Iguaçú") in the world. Theres is the world's biggest hidrelectric central there.

    I recommend you Curitiba, the capital. Curitiba have a great presence of german, italian, polish and ukranian descendants.

    Visit the "Portal Polonês", Palácio de Cristal, Castelo Lupion, Ópera de Arame, Jardim Botânico Fanchette Rischbieter (Bottanic Garden), Rua 24 Horas (24 hours street), Rua das Flores (Flowers street), and Museu Oscar Niemeyer among many others.

    Londrina is another nice city to go.

    As in Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná, european descendants make a "blond" paisage.

  2. Foz do Iguacu, in Parana; Fernando de Noronha, it's an island in North East side of Brazil; Salvador, Bahia; Recife, Pernambuco; all the beaches in North East location are very beautiful, you should visit around there.

  3. You should got to Santa Catarina,Belem,Parana,Sergipe,Alagoas,Ba... Gerais,And finally Rio grande do Sul.

    These are some really good places you would go to visit in


  4. Definitely Paraty in the state of Rio de Janeiro, 250 KM south of the city of Rio, is the place you should visit, it's paradise and it's historical.  Buzios also in the state of Rio is nice, Buzios is 300 km north of the city of Rio.  Other cool place is Bonito, in the state of Mato Grosso Sul.

  5. Brazil has a lot to offer. What kind of activities are you interested in?

    If you're into such things, for example, think of visiting some of the National Parks.

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