I am an American who feels my country's political climate is too narrow. It's like voting between red wine or white wine. And this false dichotomy of "I'm a redwiner, you're a whitewiner"
While in Montreal it's like voting between 1978-Northern Italian Lake Maggiore red plum wine, 1875-Napoloenic sailor French Chateau wine, 1945 Cobb & Co Australian red wine, etc.
(Just an analogy)
But also the more political debates and discussions between multiple groups and shades of color, the more difficult it becomes to brainwash the mass public because they learn to see there is more than leftwing and rightwing.
Am I right?
One Montrealite I greatly admire is Abraham Weitzfeld. He is a 2nd generation Canadian Jewish immigrant and holocaust survivor who is very pro-Palestine on many key issues and has a very careful and indendent Middle East view that is very issue-focussed. He introduces perspectives that in the US don't necessarily exist because they are no on the leftwing-rightwing spectrum.