
What are some cool tricks I can do with my Palm Centro?

by  |  earlier

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I got a palm centro and I'm looking for some cool tips or tricks to do with it... Anything. Thaks




  1. If it has an IR (infa red) port, you can get an app called "Novi remote" that will let you turn on/off or control any TV! It's a very fun application for palm

  2. walk it against your head and feel like an idiot becuase there is none

  3. Wow - great question!  Here's what I do with my Palm device (Treo 755P)  Although I have a different phone model, our core Palm OS version is basically the same. Some of these things are free - some you may have to purchase additional software.

    1.  I use it for an alarm clock (yuck)

    2.  I manage multiple email accounts.

    3.  I use Google maps to help me navigate

    4.  I use the builtin reader and download e-books so I have something to read while I'm waiting in line or sitting in an airport.

    5.  I get the weather report updated every day.

    6.  I read "Strange News"  and check movie reviews and times via Pocket Express (way cool)

    7.  I surf the web and get phone numbers/addresses to places I want to go but don't know how to get there. (I either use Google Maps or my PIM which is Agendus Premier to map the directions for me.

    8.  I check my gmail on my Palm

    9.  I play BEJEWELED! and a TON of other Java based games.

      - let me talk more on this.  If your Centro doesn't have the Java VM   (Virtual Machine) you need to google it and download/hot sync it to your device.  You'll need this to run any java based app - GMAIL requires it as does several other apps.  In addition if you google "palm java apps" you'll get several hits that will show you places to download, mostly free but a lot of cool shareware. Games like ASTEROIDS!!!! (way rocks)  I would hotsync before I install software so I can do a hard reset (wiping all data out) and restore a last known good config in case things go south...

    10.  I instant message all my friends regardless of the messenger program they use.  

        - Another GREAT app is Mundu IM.  It allows you to connect to yahoo messenger, ICQ, MSN messenger, AIM, Jabber and G Talk and it costs like 9.95.  Other msgr apps are way more expensive and REMEMBER if you use your built in messenging app it treats each message as an SMS text message and unless you have an unlimited plan this could be bad news.  Trust me the app it well worth 10 bucks and the support (in India) is actually better than most American support shops) I'm in the software business so this is one thing I am sensitive to.

    Oh yeah back on track track...

    11.  I also use pTunes the MP3 player that comes with your device) to listen to music when I bike or walk. I have a 2 GB card in my phone and can store gobs o' music and pics etc.

    12.  I occupy my son with cartoons when he's fussing and my other tricks don't work.

    13.  I entertain myself with streaming cartoons when I'm fussy and my other tricks don't work.

    14.  I stream music.

    15.  I sit in class and google facts that makes me look smarter than my professors. HA!!! (so true so true)

    16.  I take a bazillion pics and video of cool stuff I would normally miss because I don't carry a video camera around and am able to show people my beautiful son with pretty decent resolution, without getting my wallet out to show them some faded wrinkly photos.

    17.  Oh yeah, I connect my Treo to my Acura's Bluetooth phone so I can talk to whomever I want without touching my phone. In fact my phone can be in my gym bag in the trunk while I'm talking to folks.

    Now for more stuff....

    18.  I email and view/edit Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint files.  I actually finished a paper in class, emailed it to my school account, printed it after class and turned it on on time. (for once)

    19.  I access my laptop at work, with my phone remotely and can view documents and even email a document from my laptop to my Treo, make edits and then email it to the person next to me that I need to deliver it to. (yes, that is as cool as it sounds)

    20.  I can assign the Death Star ring to anyone I work with so I am easily reminded that I am in constant battle with the forces of darkness and should be a good rebel soldier.

    21.  I access my financial portfolio and can bug my broker to spend my money and make me rich. (which he hasn't done yet)

    22.  I access my eBay account and bid/buy stuff online.

    I could keep going, but I want to play my little ski game on my phone.

    Oh yeah, one more thing.

    I look cool when I use it!

    Hope this help - let me know if you have questions on how to do anything I listed above.  All that I listed - I do, so I can help ya out.

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