
What are some cost effective ways to keep cool in the summer?

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I live in Northern California, and it is currently 100 degrees or hotter during most of the day. I have a small window air conditioner in the bedroom for a little relief, but I just got my electric bill and it was way more than it usually is. I am looking for some cost effective ways to keep cool in this scorching weather?




  1. Freeze some ice, put them in little bags and stick them on your body. I live in Northern Australia and I love doing that!!

    Hope this helped!!

  2. I'm from SoCal, and believe me, I feel your pain!

    Cold (and even lukewarm) showers are some of my favorites, though that can run up your water bill.  Rubbing ice on your skin is effective, and one piece of ice can make your whole body cool.  Also, wear lightweight, loose clothing that wicks away sweat--I particularly like cotton pajamas and sundresses; the difference between a pair of jeans and a skirt is impressive!

    Similarly, keeping your house as dark as possible will help.  I recommend putting up window coverings more solid than blinds (blackout blinds are a good choice, but even a sheet will work).

    Beyond that, keep yourself hydrated, keep your hair off your neck, and nap often--sleeping brings your core body temperature down.  Take comfort in the fact that summer, like all the seasons, is a passing one.  It'll be over soon!

  3. If you're AC bills are driving nuts, try to keep cool by being outside or going to a pool by your neighborhood. If you have a pool, then just spend time there. If not, try to take cool showers once or twice every day just to keep your body refreshed. Always remember that drinking water + liquids will keep you hydrated as well. I always like to keep popcycles and other frozen treats around the house to keep me cool. For now, you can try replacing your AC with a small fan or just keep most of your windows open. Another thing you can do is visit a cool place (such as a mall, bookstore,or an indoor area) where you can spend some time with AC to cool off there.

  4. Move to San Francisco!

    But seriously, I can't really think of anything other than a spray bottle and a hand-held fan.

  5. I always spent the day at my neighbors house who had an AC

  6. I agree with x_miss.. Being outdoors is a good way to beat the heat. Most times, it's actually hotter in an un-air conditioned house than outside. Find a nice shady spot in your front or back yard or in a park nearby and lay there and read a book or something. It feels about 20 degrees cooler in the shade. Also, you can go swimming in a nearby pool, lake etc.. Also, you can go to the library which is air conditioned and you can do many enjoyable things there.

  7. When the body is unable to cope with excessive heat,the result is heat exhaustion or heat stroke.Symptoms of heat exhaustion include  fatigue, nausea, cramps, headache, dizziness and uncoordinated movement.People with heat exhaustion should stop working or exercising.Move into shade or air conditioning or take a cool shower.Drink plenty of fluids to replace lost salt and take rest.Avoid alcohol or caffeinated drinks because they promote dehydration.Ask children to rest after 30 minutes of outdoor play.Do not leave children,pets or anyone who has difficulty caring for themselves in a car without ventilation.

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