
What are some crazy stories you have during bad weather?

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Hurricanes, tornados, blizzards. Have you got any stories to tell that happened during them?




  1. My uncle was having a hurricane party during Hurricane Katrina. They were drinking and having a good time, so sure they were gonna "ride it out". Turns out the weather got so bad that trees and power lines started falling. They could literally feel the house shaking and the streets were flooding.

    So the party ended. Everyone was trying to leave but police were blocking the road because it was too dangerous to drive.

    Meanwhile, we were caught in the middle of the Hurricane while trying to evacuate. First our car got stuck in a ditch, so another couple was trying to help us get out with a tree hanging over our heads about to fall. We finally got out but power lines were hanging down to low to drive, so we had to sit in the car under some overhang thing with four other cars. We slept in our hot jeep overnight, and finally the next day we got to leave because of people cutting the trees out of the road, but there was so much traffic that it took hours.

    When we got home we ended up with a bunch of hung over losers laying around and a messy house. After that, we had two months of no air conditioning, no electricity, and no water.

  2. On a lonely road in Minnesota I drove into something that I wondered later if it had been a tornado.  Trees were bending down before I went into it, and once inside I saw nothing.  And I mean NOTHING, not even any part of the car outside of the windows.  I kept creeping along slowly until it started to clear a bit.  The air was filled with dust and straw, then I came out of it, and a few hundred yards later drove into heavy rain.  I think it was probably a dry microburst and not a tornado, but it was still very frightening.  I've driven in large hail too (up to tennis ball sized) but this was worse.

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