
What are some crazy things to do at the mall??

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What are some fun and crazy things to do at the mall with one or two friends? Stuff that we won't get on trouble for? Wer'e 13 and 14.

Is there a way we can do the scavanger hunt at the mall without purchasing things. I'm not sure if my local mall allows people to take pictures ?!?!

Anything besides the scavanger hunt? Thanxx.




  1. give away change!! my daughter and her friends used to do this and make money ar it. there are so many pan handlers asking for money , do the opposite. get a roll of nickles $2.00 and 2 rolls of pennies $1.00, and put them in an old coffee can . then stand at the entrance and as people walk by ask if they want some spare change. they are so used to pan handlers that they don't pay attention and throw coins in, usually dollar, two dolaar coins and quarters and stuff. security can't throw you out for pan handling, cuz your not, your giving away money as a good samaratin.

  2. go around talking to total strangers or follow random strangers

  3. make out

  4. When I was really young like 12 or 13 My older brother and I would go to the highest story and drop bouncy balls down soo fun!

  5. about the pictures, i know some stores don't allow taking pictures. for example: i used to work at forever 21 and we had to tell people to stop, i think its the same at urban outfitters. but if you are not in any particular stores and just walkin around you can prolly take pics. i took a video camera around the mall once (everybody was waving, like they were gonna be on tv). i also have heard of people doing scavenger hunts all the time in malls. Have fun!

  6. me and my friends go in and act like we work there. haha it funn=]

  7. if your mall has 2 floor [[or more]], go to the top floor and drop things down [[like spoons or empty cups or a pencil or something]]...when ppl look up pretend you never did it! its hilariouse!!

  8. Get your eye pierced or a second whole. Do a musical scavenger hunt in a CD store like FYE, Give yourself an outrageous task of buying everything you need for a party with only $10 or something and take your loot home and have a slumber party etc.

  9. Me and my friends were gonna put on ugly clothes and skip everywhere in the me crossing arms.but just to be funny.

  10. malls are not places to do crazy things...

    the scavenger hunt sounds good, as long as it falls in your category of crazy...  somehow.

    and if you cant take pictures as a proof, well, there is nothing wrong with being honest and not lie to your friends... is it? :)

    just believe each other and be honest if you cant get away with a picture...

    I'm really surprised with the comments some people wrote... what do you think you are doing, encouraging these idiotic ideas for a 13yo girl?

    I'd like to believe it was said as a joke.

    so no, don't go and throw things off the second floor, or harass people... they wont enjoy it, and if you'll fall on the wrong person, you wouldn't enjoy it either.


  12. drop ice from two story level.

    go into a guys store if your a girl and start trying on everything with your friends.

    look for specific cash managers like a girl cashier with blonde hair.

    take pictures with camera phone of stuff by going into a dressing room and the nyou can do your scavenger hunt.

    follow cute guys around untill they wonder why your following them.

    take funny pictures in the photobooths.

    buy perfume then spray it on guys passing by.

  13. hide lufas everywhere

  14. yell out BOMB!!! and if you get in truoble say you tasted something that was BOMB! haha

  15. At macy's and other major stores, you can call up ahead of time and ask for personal shopper. (FREE), then try on all the clothes you requested, including shoes, and just hate everything and leave!

  16. haha,

    me and my friends laways follow people around until they figure out that we're following them!

  17. Most malls are not letting in anyone younger than 18 without a parent accompanying them. If they have not done so in your area, they will.

  18. have it with a hot manger


  19. Well you could try and do a scavenger hunt. That sounds fun. My friend and I are both 13 and we do some crazy stuff at the mall, lol. This is going to sound really weird, but we wanted to start a webshow so we did the first one at the mall. I had my camera which also records so we just walked around doing weird things for a while while recording. My friend and I ALWAYS have our eyes out for hot guys. We went in this little cool funky store and noticed that there was a TOTALLY hot guy working there. He was kinda goofy. We hung out in that store for like an hour ( We weren't taping at the time.) They had these little toy cockroach things for 13 cents each so I bought a WHOLE bunch of them. We walked around to the other side of the mall and began taping. We were talking in the beginning and then we started walking around and doing random things. My friend ran up to a guy and said "Hey! Do you like my bug? Huh? HUH?!" That was SO funny! We kept doing that to different people and only like two of them knew that it wasn't real! Lol! Anyway, I put one of the fake bugs in my mouth so it was hanging out by the antennas and walked around like that. People were giving me alot of weird looks but it was SOOOOO funny! Also my friend layed on the floor in the middle of the mall and started twicthing and mumbleing something about voices, lol! We did ALOT of other things but I won't name them all, lol. I know we probably sound like freaks but it was sooo funny. I don't even care how embarassing it was! Lol. Have you read the 100 things to do at Walmart? That where we got some of our ideas from. Here is the list! Have fun! =D

  20. Do a people scavenger hunt

    A person with(color) or ( shape) earrings

    A person with (color)  curly hair

    a person With (color)  shoes.

    And so on.

    Take pics wit a camera phone if you or your friends have one without the person your taking knowing.

  21. Drop stuff on peoples heads from the top floor. Pop balloons and they will echo throughout the mall.

  22. go topless while screaming at the elderly

  23. play hide and go seek.

    soo funn .


  24. be loud

  25. play little sally walker with random people :] its funny or go in stores and start handing random items to people then run away

    or ask random people for hugs. its funny

  26. I have an idea



  27. When I was in college, (19y/o) my friends and I spent all day in the mall. We didn't buy anything but we'd go and look at every single store and so on.  Anyway our favorite thing to do was to have escalator races.  If you mall has them that is.  Take a pen and paper and doodle people walking by.   Take a ride on the kiddie land rides, even if you don't have a quarter or two.

  28. I would say skateboard in the mall.

  29. jump off at the highest level that'll be quite the thrill.

  30. you can walk bye random ppl and copy them. you can go into a store and ask lots of questions to the ppl working there. tou can play hide and seek lol. i dunno

  31. Play hide and seek in the big department stores or in like one side of one of the wings, me and my friends did it and it was a blast.

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