
What are some cultural differences that occur as a function of age? Are these differences universal or more?

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What are some cultural differences that occur as a function of age? Are these differences universal or more?




  1. military service that is mandatory.Not universal.

  2. Well in iran some girls are married off once they hit the age of 12. These obviously arnt universal.

  3. 12-17 years you feel the compelling need to mature and do adult (I'm-grown-up) stuff. party, drunk driving, drugs

    18-21 years you feel the stronger need to build and associate and try to streamline where you are really heading. party drunk driving, drugs, threesomes

    22-25 years occassional job switching and finding yourself stuff

    26-31 years you start to look for a stable job. get a steady relationship

    31-45 midlife crisis

    45-60 well you get the idea

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