
What are some customs in France?

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What are some customs in France?




  1. For Santa's sake, what's that obsession about French women shaving?

    Just for your info, they shave. You want hairy armpits, go to Germany see the return to nature fans.

    French customs?

    French are formal people and won't speak to you before saying Bonjour.

    Sunday family meals are still very much a custom, you go with your partner and children to see your parents and have a nice long meal.

    Men and women kiss to say hello (but only is some circumstances).

    When in group you have to know how to discuss, not ponderously but quick, witty, and short. Ping pong conversation. Extolling for hours on your political beliefs (or any other) is a big no and an conversation killer.

  2. If you see children in restaurants in Paris - it's uncommon, but if you do they are very well behaved.

  3. As opposed to where?

    If you are American and travelling in France, you'll find that customs are pretty much the same but without an elementary knowledge of French, it will be a tad difficult because the French are not as fluent in English as say, the Dutch or the Scandinavians.

    Within Europe, you'll probably notice that handshake and kissing is more current in the southern part than the northern.

    In the south of Europe, people tend to eat meals with dishes after each other, as opposed to all together in the north.

    I have lived in Belgium, Spain, France and now Norway and ... there isn't very much more to say about French customs. In Europe you will probably see a difference between the south that is Latin and Catholic, and the north that is Germanic and Protestant, but rather in the mentality than the customs.

  4. Women not shaving their armpits. (At least according to home alone 1)

  5. We sacrifice silly american tourists to the god of frech cuisine...

    No really, you need to be more specific!!!

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