
What are some cute and classy places to have a tattoo that is visible yet not very noticeable?

by Guest57992  |  earlier

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I want to get a small heart tattoo somewhere. I want people to be able to see it, but I also want it to not look trashy or super obvious for job interviews. Any help? Also on a scale of 1-10 how painful are tattoos? 1 being barely at all.10 being unbearable!




  1. your foot that is easily cover and exposed when desired

    your wrist

  2. Trust me. No matter what, a tattoo will never look CUTE or CLASSY. It doesn't matter what it is.

  3. on your hip, your belly shouldn't be showing for a job interview.

    or on the inside of your wrist, you can just wear a watch or bracelet to cover it when you want to.

  4. there are a few discreet areas to get tattooed: the back of your neck right below the hair line or centered on your spine below the neckline (i.e. where a shirt collar usually lies), right under your collar bone on either side, your shoulder blade. although getting my tattoo hurt a lot, i'd say the amount of pain felt when getting a tattoo is mostly relative; the size, complexity and color palette of a particular design, the chosen area on the body (the ones i've mentioned earlier aren't the most sensitive) as well as the pain threshold and skin type of the person being tattooed will determine how they feel when the time comes. for me, i'd have to say it was an even 9 on the pain meter. but i chose to get a pink bar of soap with blue suds on my hip, and although my threshold for pain is moderately high, i'm fair skinned and so i probably felt it a little more than some people.  

  5. your ankle. your wrist.

    well if you het a tatoo on a place like ankle or wrist it hurts about 4.

    i have one on my ankel and it hurt only a little bit.

    so ankel or wrist is the best way to go!

    best of luck!

  6. Pain depends on the location but it's really not that bad in the end. the bonier the worse it hurts. I think ankle would look the best.

  7. if you just want a small heart, that isnt extreemly noticable get it on the inside of your hand, on your little finger where the base of the finger is like where a ring would be.

    and i dont have a tattoo so i wouldnt know about the pain sorry.


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