
What are some cute little short witty poems?

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My boyfreind sends me on my cell all this cute little love poem stuff

but its sort-of ya know beating around the bush 'i love you'

and i want to send him something like a nice forward




  1.    The ones I know are:

    The weatherman is very bold, he can tell you hot from cold

    he can tell you rain from snow, and which way the cold winds blow

    All of this he knows and more, but never does he know the days before...

  2. The only regret I have is not knowing you since the day I was born - so that I will be able to spend my ENTIRE life with you.

    I’m enthralled by your beauty, mesmerized by your charisma and spellbound by your love.

    To the world, you may be one person.

    But to me, you are the world!

    There are 3 steps to happy happiness, 1 you, 2 me, 3 our hearts 4 eternity!

    If I could change the alphabet, I would put U and I together!

    You look great today. How did I know? Because you look great everyday.

    What is love? Those who don't like it call it responsibility. Those who play with it call it a game. Those who don't have it call it a dream. Those who understand it call it destiny. And me, I call it you.

    Ah-- I forgot your name. Can I call you mine? And, in case you forget my name too, call me yours!

    There are 4 steps to happiness: 1. you, 2. me, 3. our hearts, 4. together!


    I don't know about cute ones, sorry, but if you guys are way past first base check these naughty ones.

    I was a BAD GIRL and spent my lunch hour shopping. You can spank me later.

    Got a new showerhead — the detachable kind. The pressure's awesome.

    There's a VIP-only party @ [fill in your address here] 2nite.

    TDTM (translation: text dirty to me)

    Don't do much @ the energy for L8R.

    Ur picturing me (a) naked, (b) in a Jacuzzi, (c) both

    Was in such a rush! 4got 2 wear a bra.

    Can I bring anything 4 our d8? Wine? Chocolate sauce?

    I'm in dressing room @ the a thong.

    Ur *** looks gr8 in those jeans.

    I'll pole dance 4 you. U bring the pole...

    Found my old cheerleading uniform. Still fits.

    Had a stressful day. I NEED you to help me unwind. Wink, wink.

    My roommate is out of town. Let's throw a party tonight — for two.

    HOT kiss this a.m. Hope you can finish what you started...

    Splurged at Victoria's Secret. A girl can't have too many lacy panties, can she?

    No movies out I want to see. Other ideas for what we can do in the dark?

  3. For so long I have hidden away my heart

    But something happens when I hear your voice

    Feelings and wants come rushing back

    My heart taking over in this I have no choice

    So many times have I been given false hope

    And for once I want to have it be true

    To throw caution fully to the wind

    Only wanting to believe souly in you

    To have the smiles and the laughs

    No looking back on the moments only to cry

    To keep you in my heart forever

    And not having to ask the question why

    So now I am gunna give it my all

    Close my eyes and see the world through yours

    Let my heart and your hand be my guide

    No more secrets, no more closed doors.

  4. Mary had a little pig,

    She kept it fat and plastered;

    And when the price of pork went up,

    She shot the little b*****d.


    Her father shot it dead.

    Now it goes to school with her,

    Between two hunks of bread.

    JACK AND JILL Went up the hill

    To have a little fun.

    Stupid Jill forgot the pill

    And now they have a son.

    SIMPLE SIMON met a Pie man going to the fair.

    Said Simple Simon to the Pie man,

    "What have you got there?"

    Said the Pie man unto Simon,

    "Pies, you dumb a**!"

    HUMPTY DUMPTY sat on a wall,

    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

    All the kings' horses,

    And all the kings' men.

    Had scrambled eggs,

    For breakfast again.

    HEY DIDDLE, DIDDLE the cat took a piddle,

    All over the bedside clock.

    The little dog laughed to see such fun.

    Then died of electric shock.

    GEORGIE PORGY Pudding and Pie,

    Kissed the girls and made them cry.

    And when the boys came out to play, He

    kissed them too 'cause he was g*y.

    There was a little girl who had a little curl

    Right in the middle of her forehead.

    When she was good, she was very, very good.

    But when she was bad........

    She got a fur coat, jewels, & a waterfront condo

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