
What are some daily exercises to physically prepare for U.S.M.C Boot Camp?

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What are some daily exercises to physically prepare for U.S.M.C Boot Camp?




  1. Run three plus miles everyday without stopping with 100 or more pounds in a backpack.  It will be common in boot camp so you might as well acquaint yourself with the way they do things.  Then do tons of push-up's, sit-up/crunches and pull up's.  All the things you will be doing.

  2. You dont need to do anything with 100 pounds in a pack..That just does not happen..Its a good way to get hurt..

    Never once in my time in the USMC infantry did we load our packs with 100 pounds..

    Just practice the common exercises such as push ups, pull ups, sit ups, crunches, stretches of all kinds, and work on your upper body power..

    You do not need to be in top shape to pass USMC boot camp..

  3. pull ups,



    Also hit some weights, maybe swim some 500.....

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