
What are some dangerous turtles?

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my sister really wants a turtle from Petco for her 6th birthday.

my mom isn't so sure about it cause she heard online that some baby died after holding a turtle and then holding the baby. we have a 4 month old her so she isn't to sure if the turtles are safe. Does anyone know what category petco turtles would be under? (safe or unsafe)




  1. Turtles and some reptiles carry staph infections, there are cleansing solutions for reptiles make sure you use them regularly, wash hands before and after handling any reptile, Babies should never come in contact with them directly or indirectly.

  2. I just want to clear one thing up a few answerers have mentioned. Not all reptiles carry salmonella, only a small percentage of them. Washing your hands well with soap and water usually is enough to take care of any problems. To be safe, don't let the turtle come into contact with the baby. But just like many things, the whole turtles and salmonella thing has been blown out of proportion. I've had turtles for many years and have stuck my hand in dirty turtle water with open cuts. If they had salmonella, it would have easily gotten into my blood stream. I've never had a problem.

  3. Rafael




    Okay. The details of your question just killed my answer.  Nevermind.   Good luck.  Hope you choose the right turtle and your family is safe.

  4. A child that young really should not have a turtle as a pet unless an adult is willing to put lots of money and time into it as well. There are two major types of turtles; aquatic and land. Aquatic turtles require a body of water that is 6 times it size  that is heated to a certain temp depending on its breed. Land turtles require 8 times the amount of their size in an enclosure that is heated and has a humidty that is recommended for its breed. If you are wanting to know about certain breeds of turtles check out You can find every breed of turtle and proper care for each one. As for the samonella scare, samonella is not carried by reptiles. It is produced due to dirty enviroment  that a reptile lives in. if you clean the enclosure or filter the water properly it wont be a problem.

  5. This has nothing to do with the type of turtle. All reptiles and amphibians carry salmonella which can be very dangerous (especially to young children). Having a turtle isn't a problem, just make your hands are completely sanitized each and every time after handling the turtle.

  6. alligator snaping turtle now dats ***** 2 deal

  7. All reptiles have a chance of carrying salmonella. All you have to do to prevent that is to wash your hands after touching the animal with antibacterial soap and water.

    Water turtles are worse than land tortoises. Water turtles are also a lot more expensive due to the tank size, water filters etc.

    I would get a Russian tortoise, or Greek tortoise. These stay relatively small, (unlike the Sulcata which can top 100lbs) they stay under 10 inches. They can be housed comfortably in an extra large bunny pen with repti bark, water dish food dish, a  hideaway, night light, heat lamp and UVB lamp.

    They can live up to 50 years, and depending on your state, some are sold when they are 10 years old or less.

    Check them out, they are a wonderful pet and very easy to tame.


  9. alligator sapping turtles.

  10. all turtles that they sell at stores are safe unless ur looking for a snapping turtle which they dont sell at PETCO.  

  11. 2 things one a child that young in my opinion isn't ready for a turtle maybe a frog or toad would be a better beginer pet and no and yes turtles carry salmanila witch can make u sick and if u do deside to get a turtle please please do reasearch on it and turtles are a realy big responsiblity

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