
What are some decent Life Insurance companies for the elderly?

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My father is searching for some life insurance;

he is 71 and is looking for a term policy for $100,000. for a minimum of 20 years.

Know of any Companies that are good?




  1. When it comes to deciding if a particular life insurance company is reliable or not, people start by looking at the company's financial rating. A financial rating, given by independent research companies makes you aware of the financial strength of a particular life insurance company. But people mistake the financial strength of a life insurance company for its reliability. But this is a wrong impression.

    When you want a reliable life insurance company, you have to look far beyond the financial factor. The best life insurance company should be the one that fulfills your requirements.

    Before you start looking for the best, most dependable life insurance company, it is important you answer the following questions. This will let you deal better when you contact life insurance agents.

  2. There are many good companies that can create an option for you dad.  I would contact a few independent agents and ask them to bid on it.  

    He might not be able to find true term insurance, but something that looks and feels the same.  Because this policy would take him out to his age 91, you might not be able to find it by running spreadsheets online.

  3. There are many excellent companies.  The way to find them is to check the ratings by Moody's and Standard and Poors of the different companies and go with AA or AA+ .

    The challenge is to find a company with good medical underwriting for someone of that age and decent premiums.  I would start by checking Protective Life.

    Email me for further info.

  4. If available at all, the premiums will be very high.

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