
What are some differences between the Paranormal, and Science Fiction? ?

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Let me start by saying that I'm an armature paranormal investigator and am asking the question to be able to fully explain the differences to another. I recently started a Paranormal Club at my school and have come under attack by the Sci Fi club, due to their belief that we are infringing upon their turf. My primary argument is that Sci Fi is fictional while paranormal is theorized to not be, but what else can I say?




  1. While paranormal and Science Fiction are quite similar regarding content - eg aliens, ghosts, etc, there are some essential differences.

    To start, Science Fiction is based on imagination and is made up stories. The purpose is almost entirely entertainment. Think of Star Wars, Star Trek, Xmen etc.

    Paranormal activity in general is based on actual true accounts (though sometimes unsubstantiated) , and involves the concept of using scientific methods to conduct research and evaluate evidence to support or disprove claims.

    I am not sure why the Sci Fi club would care what you are doing, but it doesn't sound to me like the same thing.

    I I hope that helps. :)

  2. Paranormalists actually *believe* that there are ghosts, psi powers,

    and non-corporeal entities. Science fictioners only use these as literary


  3. Tell them to get a life. If they start chasing ghosts then you'll have something to complain about, tell'em to pound salt.

  4. Fiction is just that, fiction. It is all made up.

    Where as Paranormal is a possibility of actually being something real beyond what we consider norm.

  5. There is no empirical evidence that the paranormal exists and until someone can provide me with incontrovertible evidence it will remain in the realms of fantasy and horror fiction.

    Have a look at, if you are prepared to take in another point of view (this, and the link address about SF is aimed at Reiki Chick in particular), the following:

    On the matter of Science Fiction, check out:

    and follow the links at the bottom of each page for more information.

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