
What are some differences..?

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Between 60's and now

give at least 5 or more?..

thankss! :)




  1. I live in Canada so some of these might be a tad different elsewhere.

    In the 60's, being an unwed mother brought mostly shame and certainly no social security assistance. Now, because of social security assistance, it is almost an occupation.

    In the 60's we could buy milk and eggs directly from a farmer. Now if a farmer is caught selling directly, he can be fined and drinking unprocessed milk for example is just not considered healthy or safe, Although I gotta tell you I never heard of anyone dying from drinking milk or eating eggs bought directly from a farmer.

    In the 60's we never listened much to our parents music, and if we did, it was only at home. Never heard the kids saying, "Wow, I really like Vera Lynn" and anyone who would say something like that would be considered weird. Now, it is not a bit unusual to hear our kids and grandkids listening to Elvis and The Beetles etc.,  and joining their fan clubs. In the 60's we listen to music from 45's or albums. Now they listen to music anywhere they want on MP3 and any of the other new tech listening devices out there

    In the 60's if we just had high school and we got a job at say a bank, we earned Cdn$2,500.00 a year. Now you need that much a month to get by.

    In the 60's I bought a new car for less than $2,000. Now,if you are lucky, you might use that as a down payment on a second hand car.

  2. Many of us had a great utopian idealism...

    ...equality for the races,

    ...equality between the sexes

    we'd  put an end to war

    we'd live on the land and

    promote wholesome foods

    we'd love one another

    Gee, it hasn't worked out quite yet....

    But the music was, and remains, FANTASTIC

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