
What are some different types of veggies and fruits beardies can eat? Good answer=10pts

by Guest66654  |  earlier

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My beardie loves romaine lettuce, and likes strawberries.. but what else can they eat? and like?




  1. carrets

  2. There is so much!  I give mine Banannas(loves them), asparagus, green beans, any kind of lettuice, baby food(great if they are impacted, not too much), squash, zuchini, there is a list in some book... basically nothing to acidy... no oranges, no avacado(not sure why) oh, he loves apples!  especially if i peel it... oh, and I go to walmart and get the brocklie slaw or something... it looks like the baged salad, but its vegies, he likes that too.

  3. - Excellent Staple Foods -

    crickets, alfalfa ( plant not sprouts ), prickly pear, collard greens, dandelion greens, turnip greens, mustard greens, endive, escarole, all types of squash, silkworms.

    - Good Occasional Foods -

    alfalfa sprouts, peeled apple, apricot, green beans, kidney beans, lima beans, blueberries, bok choy, celery, peeled cumcumber, dahlia flower, grapes, mango, peach, pear, pineapple, plum, raw pumpkin, seedless raisins, strawberries, raw zucchini, kale.

    - Foods You Should Rarely Feed -

    canned soybeans, banana, beets, brocolli, cauliflower, corn, egg, kiwi, lettuce, mealworm, olives, green peas, potato, raspberries, brown rice, brussel sprouts, tomato.

    Hope this helps! =)

  4. I have 5 bearded dragons.

    So i give my dragons great diets.

    I feed them crickets once a week,

    and carrots, corn, beans, peas, lettuce , and when i went to the pet shop i bought this creamy apple stuff that was made for lizards and turtles so they eat that.

    otherwise make sure the veggies are cut up and small.

    they choke easily.


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