
What are some different ways for cars to run, other than gasoline?

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What are some different ways that cars can run without gasoline? I know I've heard people talk about making cars run out of something made out of corn, and I've heard of solar-powered cars.

What other methods are engineers exploring to help conserve oil?




  1. You could use your feet like Fred Flintstone.

  2. Solar, hydrogen, ethanol 85(E85), old cooking oil, anmial waste(mature).

  3. I'm working on a vehicle that runs on the decay of nuclear waste to produce heat that will run a Stirling engine and produce electricity to be stored in a battery or make hydrogen.   Just need some waste and a little seed money to get it going.

  4. Corn Liquor

  5. sugar i heard that they were going to use sugar then the all the sugery foods would cost more but then what do i know im only in 6th grade

  6. My sisters car runs on 'Dino farts' as she calls it, I think she thinks she is therefore being 'green' because she's not using petrol. She may not realize natural gas is also a fossil fuel and still releasing C02, although possibly less. She's keen because it's easier on her pocket, which is fair enough I guess.

    Biofuels are made of corn.

    Electric and hybrid cars can run on electricity from solar power, as can fuel cell or hydrgen powered cars.


  7. Why conserve oil as the earth automatically recycles it. Yes that is right we will never run out of fossil fuels.

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