
What are some difficulties that families face when they adopt a child?

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please answer within 5 sentences




  1. telling the kid they arent loved by their biological parents

  2. lack of knowing medical history

    adjusting period difficult for child once placed in your home.  you must be ready for a wild few nights until everyone is adjusted.

    having patience with all the organizations you have to consult with.

  3. Sunny says all that is need to say. by u asking us to explain such an answer in five sentences is kinda insulting. i'm adopted and i can give you some issues that i face. but  i'm hesiate because of your question.

  4. i can't in 5 sentences maybe 5 big run on sentences if that counts.  what kind of adoption are you speaking of?  age of child, situation, domestic, international?  if you want honest answers don't be so vague.  general problems are second guessing yourself as a parent, wondering if you are handeling the raising of your child correctly and that they feel secure and loved and also the general misconception of society in not understanding adoption and inappropriate and rude questions.

  5. Maybe you could describe a 'family' in 5 sentences...

  6. 1)in some instances,racial discrimination.

    2)the child's inability to blend with other members of his adopted family.

    3)irreconciliable personal differences.

    4)the enviroment

    5)whether to tell the child the truth or not.

  7. 1. if the first mom was mentally unstable or a drug addict as is told so often for the reason as to why the child was given up for adoption, then you really don't know what you're in for.

    2. attachment issues. anyone who says they are adopted and doesn't have any, i think one of two things. someone is pretending to be adopted and putting out propaganda or they really are screwy and don't even know they have an attachment disorder. it's not even remotely normal to not want to know where you come from. geneology is the most popular hobby in the world.

  8. If you are wanting a 5 sentence answer to such a complex and vast question nobody will be able to answer you honestly. The issues that arise from adoption are often huge and varied. Anything from attachment disorders in the adoptee to renewed anger at the infertility issues that brought about the adoption. I suggest you do a search for Reactive Attachment Disorder or R.A.D. and see for yourself what adoption can and DOES to to an adoptee. Then answer for yourself what impact you think this would cause in the family.

  9. 1) bonding or attachment issues - depending on age of child and situation.

    2) medical concerns (our child had a life-threatening genetic disorder and we have very little medical info on bio family)

    3) fear - fear of what to expect and what if the child doesn't love me or what if the bio parents change their mind or what if the agency feels we are horrible parents?

    4) scrutiny - fingerprints, criminal background checks, follow up visits by agency, etc.

    5) financial aspect - it can be very expensive to adopt a child.

  10. The biggest surprise to me was the amount of people who have negative feelings about adoption. I thought everybody would think it was great. Also, racism since my son is African American. People who think I'm crazy for having an open adoption with my son's natural mother.

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