
What are some disadvantages of driving a car that has high MPG?

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What are the disadvantages of driving car that could travel farther with each gallon. Everything its much better because your saving a lot of money on gas. If you drive a car that could travel a lot more far each gallon, what are the negative things about it?




  1. the rest of the world seems to circumvent any disadvantages high MPG vehicles may have. People claim small cars are not as safe but how many accidents does the average person have in 50 years of driving ? It is a perceived problem. I ride a motorcycle, get 55 MPG & don't worry about accidents every minute. Nobody has ever hit me in 20 years.

    I can carry groceries in my saddlebags & tankbag, hard to carry anything bulky.

    Everything is a compromise.        

  2. it is lighter.

    and won't fare as well in a head-on with a hummer.

  3. For some reason, the better the mileage the more the vehicle looks like c**p.  Hopefully soon they will design a nice fuel cell or electric car that you are not ashamed to be seen in.  Honda seems to be headed in the right direction.

  4. none that I can think of.

  5. Ever try to drive cross country in a tin can? Ever try to go straight when the slighest breeze wants you to go sideways? Ever look at the front end of a semi in your rearview mirror and think to yourself "dam, this is gonna hurt"? Ever try to merge onto the interstate only to have gramma in her 70's Oldsmobile flip you off? Ever get stuck on a speed bump? Ever think to yourself "is that a possum or a deer"?  Ever look at a car driving down the street and you want to yell at the kid to get out of the road, only to find out that it's an adult in a real car?

    If you can answer no to all of these, then a high MPG car may be right for you. Good luck when you encounter your first suicidal raccoon.

  6. Not that much

  7. High gas mileage cars are usually smaller and less powerful. You're also more likely to be injured or killed in a smaller car, if you get hit by something larger and heavier.

    And because of aerodynamics, some people think of them as ugly. They have to have kind of a funny shape to be more aerodynamic.

  8. There are no negatives to higher gas mileage in a car.

    The increase in mpg means that the engine was tweeked like it should to run more efficiently. Although the engine and all automotive engines are extremely inefficient due to the enormous distribution towards the production of heat rather than power to drive the car, there are no down sides to an increase in mpg in a car.

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