
What are some disadvantages of driving an economical car?

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A economical car is a car that uses less gas than most cars. Meaning each gallon of gas would travel farther. Everyone thinks economical cars are much better because they're better on gas and you could save a lot of gas money.

But I want to know what are the DISADVANTAGES of having a economical car? please give details and enough information on this. Is there anything that's better about car that's a gas guzzler?




  1. it's less safe, less comfortable. The visibility is not as good, because the seats are lower. Less room to carry passengers and things.  

  2. I own 2000 Audi A4 and 94 Civic.

    The only disadvantage of my 94 Civic is that the ride is not as smooth AND you are perceived as driving a poor man's car.


    Frankly I'm not the kind of person that cares, so I mostly drive my Civic.  It is much more fun (to drive the Civic).

    Good Luck...

  3. Not a luxurious car, usually.  

    You would not compare an economic car to a Mercedes or a BMW for example in terms of style.  (Chick magnet)

    However, the economic car would come on top in fuel efficiency.  Since fuel prices are very high, they have a very high resell value.  That is not a disadvantage but it is a worthwhile point to consider.      

  4. They aren't always as reliable.

    They are rarely good looking and stylish.

    Poor performance and handling.

    They are usually uncomfortable and lack luxuries like power seats.

    They are small and sometimes not as safe as other cars.

    However, there are many cars that are both nice and economical. Most mid-sized sedans get decent mileage and don't cost too much but still have many conveniences and luxuries that the average person wants.

    Being fun to drive varies from person to person. Usually cars that are fun to drive preform very well. They usually go fast, accelerate rapidly and/or handle well.

  5. There are no disadvantages of driving an economical car.  However most people equate a small car with an economical car, and a large car as being non-economical.  In most cases this is true, however this will depend on what you need to get done.  Are you going to bethe only person in the vehicle going to work.  If this is so then a small vehicle is right for you.  If you need to transport 4 kids and their equipment to a game, then a large vehicle may be right for you.

    Look at what your needs are and then find the most cost effective vehicle that fits your needs.  Why drive two small vehicles when one large vehcle can get the job done.

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