
What are some dos and donts on a home owners insurunce policy in ohio?

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What are some dos and donts on a home owners insurunce policy in ohio?




  1. Do make sure you have the home insured to replacement value, make sure you are insured with a company with an "A" rating, make sure you have replacement on your contents, make sure you schedule anything of high value (ex: jewlery), make sure you carry enough liability (i suggest at least $500,000, its cheap on a HO policy) and make sure you have a good agent, try and place your home and auto together to get a discount. DON'T go on an ACV policy no matter what, don't make small claims as they will add up and your company will drop you.  don't think your homeowners will cover flood, it won't!

  2. Queen B is on it about basic coverage.

    Some Ohio specific issues issues:

    Water back-up coverage: is usually an endorsement on Ohio policies, get it otherwise water in the basement (drain back-up or sump-pump failure) won't be covered.

    Mine subsistence:  if you live in old coal mine country, get the coverage, you never know where those abandoned mines went.

    If you have an older house, make sure your policy is endorsed to bring your house up to current code and abate any hazardous materials (like asbestos) in the event of major damage.

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