
What are some easy but semi-difficult guitar songs to learn??? im kind of a beginner. what should i learn?????

by  |  earlier

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please dont give me anything like iron man or smoke on the water. i play electric guitar and can play those plus seperation, confined, and a few others. i want songs that are easy but give me somewhat a challenge...if you have anything you know or you can play just name me the song and artist (or paste the tab) and i would appreciate it





  1. Download the trial version of 'Guitar Pro'

    It's great. You can have it showing you where to play what on the fretboard and at places like you can find guitar pro files for so many songs.

    Honestly, it's really great. It plays all the other instruments in the background, shows you exactly what notes to play and you can skip through it note by note as you learn

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