
What are some easy ski tricks I can try next week at Heavenly Valley?

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What are some easy ski tricks I can try next week at Heavenly Valley?




  1. Make a smooth run under the liftline.  Oohs and ahhs from the crowd when you look good, or even grab some air.


    If you do a yard sale all over the hill, the laughter will be echoing around the hillsides.

  2. safety Grab (right on the binding), Mute Grab (Safety with skis crossed), Tail Grab, 180 or 360, boxes (Do not lean uphill if you're hitting a rail or box, the metal is a lot slipperier than snow, and you will fall backwards. I know you'll still do you're first box like this, though, so do what I said on your second attempt.)

  3. Getting those ski boots off, without further injury, before the Lodge paramedics haul you off with a broken leg......dunno.

    But, have fun for me...LOVE skiing!

  4. Its really easy to break your leg skiing I hear. You could try that.

  5. Ok you have to take some old linen and cut it into long strips like 3" wide, in a bucket you mix water with plaster of paris...................wait my phone rings

  6. just go for a safety grab(grabbing the front of your binding) or try a 360, i decided to just try it off a small jump and landed it.  all you have to do is have confidence and you can do it.  also try some rails or boxes, they are a whole lot of fun.  also there is the mute grab (crossing your skis and grabbing the opposite one). all very fun to do. o ya and make sure to land on the landing  not the flat part, it doesn't hurt when you crash on the landing

  7. Read a book while sking under the lift.

    Try snow boarding while you're there.

    Don't forget the glider, thrill them all!

  8. Break an arm or a leg the fake way...or better still, Play dead!

  9. If you are on the Nevada side you can legally do quite a few easy tricks.

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