
What are some easy ski tricks to do and how do you do them?

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I am pretty much and advanced intermediate skier, i can ski all blue trails, some blacks and do straight jumps...

I just want something more interesting, do I need twin tip skis also ?




  1. well you're going to look really g*y riding threw a park without twin tips, and even with them if you dont have style your going to look even gayer..

    just do like 'boardslides' on skies i dont know what they are called

  2. Ya you will look stupid and gaperish at a larger park. To just show them up and show them you can do c**p. Try rail slides or 90 to 90. Just aproach the rail and turn your body onto the rail.

    For jumps try a 180 Japan. Start with the 180. Approach the jump fearless. Pop at the lip and turn your head over the shoulder and yours skis will follow. Land ride away and switch back. Learn to ride switch well first. For the Japan grab. Bring one ski up to your balls (not really unless you don't want kids). Don' t reach it takes away from style. Then grab between your feet on the bindings. Pull up the other leg so it looks nice.

    You really should not be in the park at your level. That is what one year of skiing.

  3. you dont NEED twin tips unless you plan on skiing or landing backwards, but twin tips are lighter and more balance making all tricks easier with them.  

    Start with straight airs, then work in some grabs.  

    try crossing your skis and point the tips down, then grab the tail.

    once you are comfortable with straight airs, try spinning.  start small with 180s (Twintips required)  then 360s.  Just pop and swing your arms as you leave the lip of the jump.  turn your head in the direction you want to spin.  spot your landing and absorb the impact.  

    Good Luck

  4. Try some of the ballet moves, spins on the snow, step overs, tip drags, full spread reuel christies, linked in both directions. Also try the very easy ones of curl ups,  tip cross turns and tail cross turns.  These all improve your balance and edging which are critical for advanced  skiing.  Do some research on your own about all of these tricks. Surprise your friends when you can do them and they haven't a clue about them.  Always hold back a couple of things in your own quiver of tricks.

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