
What are some easy steps to astrial travel.?

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What are some easy steps to astrial travel.?




  1. Make sure that you are horizontal in bed when making your 1st lift off. Otherwise you might find yourself splattered on the concrete or in a straight-jacket headed for the loony bin... old chap. Questions have we now?

  2. 1) close ur eyes

    2) fall asleep

    3) dream or imagine that ur on a holiday

    4) see step 1

  3. There are none.  I've been doing spiritual and metaphysical work for over 40 years and still need to work on that more.  I think that you should find someone locally to guide  through it.

  4. I never tried it on Q, but for me it happens when I sleep.

    Deep meditation:


    In hospital, when put under:

    All three have to do with when the heart rate slows down, and then the spirit floats up and outward to either project or astral travels, takes excursions on it's own.

  5. Google "lucid dreaming," and you'll get a lot of mental techniques suggested by the various lucid dreaming Web sites.  These folks are very cogent about the phenomenon of astral projection and know how to get the mind subtle enough to "play with" this ability.  It may not be "traveling" anywhere for real, but it may be "real enough" for your needs.  Good news: even if astral projection is merely "dreaming good," the ability to purposefully manipulate your mind such that the "delusion" of astral projection is convincing to you is a powerful skill that will serve you in many other endeavors -- rare indeed is the person who can wield this ability with precision.

    If astral projection is real, then you should be able to travel anywhere, see something, come back, "wake up," and then be able to check to see if what you saw is, in fact, actually there. For instance, travel to your friend's house, see what clothing that friend is wearing, then, wake up, call the friend and see if you're correct.

    Chances are that you'll never have this ability....and chances are only slightly higher that this ability has any reality at all.

    Science simply is not finding any provable astral abilities out there.

    However, intuition can sometimes seem like astral projection. While in a dream state, your intuition about something can be incorporated into the dream's material, and you might be deluded that your "guess" was a "fact seen while astral traveling." Very very hard to sort this out if you're intuition is very strong.

    I don't believe in astral projection, yet, but I totally believe in intuition sometimes being amazingly accurate. Most folks have great intuitions but don't know it, or don't trust it. Like all things, practice makes perfect.

    Go to an airport, sit in a busy section, and just start "making things up" about the folks you see. Do this for a few thousand hours and you'll be surprised at how this ability evolves into a trusted tool. Intuition is one of the hardest mental dynamics about which to achieve clarity. It's swift and very subtle -- hard to see the process, yet, bingo, there you are daily assuming things about strangers and you're 100% correct.  Yes, correct.  Meeting anyone is almost always a moment when each person "reads" the other's energy and level of clarity.  We make up our minds instantly about others, yet accuracy can be quite high.  This is a skill that is far more useful in practical life than creative dreaming.

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