
What are some easy things I cand do at home to help out the environment?

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What are some easy things I cand do at home to help out the environment?




  1. recycle glass, milk cartons, coke bottles, aluminum cans, etc... only buy recycled items at the grocery store, recycle the paper or plastic bags from the grocery, only fill up gas in the evening and do not wait at the drive through at a fast food place.  Do not use aerosol sprays like air fresheners.  That's about all I can think of.

  2. These are all things we do at my house:

    switch to compact flourescent light bulbs.


    Use a heat shielding blanket on your hot water heater.

    re-use plastic water bottles

    shred old paper and bills (nothing with your ss# or credit card info though!) and use as packing material or fire-starter if you have a fireplace.

    Use low-flow shower heads and shower every other day to save water.

    Use less toxic chemicals to clean with. Meyer's makes great eco-friendly cleaners, or you can use baking soda for many things.

    don't use paper towels, use sponges instead and disinfect them by microwaving them for 20 seconds (or you can run them through the dishwasher)

    only run full loads of laundry and dishes.

  3. Many things, start with basic recycling, when you go to the grocery store bring a canvas bag, or reuse plastic bags. Save newspapers, and cans and bottles. Use energy saving light bulbs (they usually are less expensive to buy too), turn off the heat when you aren't home, and don't run the water constantly while you are brushing your teeth. There are many more things, but hope these help.

  4. only use heat when you have to and don't like set it to 90 when you have you heat on set it to like 70 and don't leav lights on and when you leav your house turn the heat down to like 60

  5. change all of your lightbulbs to flourescents.

    they use less power which saves on emissions of greenhouse gasses from producing electricity.

    they barley cost mor than regular bulbs and last longer reducing waste. / landfill.

    Once you put them in you are saving the planet every day without any wprk on your part.

    that will free you up to look for other "greee" solutions around the house.

    Like taking your own bags to the grocery store.( they get harder as you go along)

  6. 1) Check your water heaters thermostat and set it at medium rather than high.

    2)  Check your toilet and see how many gallons are used in a flush and consider changing it to a lower gallons per flush toilet.

    3)  Check your housing thermostat and minimize your interior temperature.  Consider a 7 day thermostat rather than a 1 day thermostat.

    4)  Take a quicker shower.

    5)  Consider what recycling options are available in your community.

  7. Recycle.

  8. Recycle and pray that the Lord will take care of us while we are here.

  9. switch to power saving light bulbs.

  10. you could recyle your can switch to like more eco friendly bags not plastic...or you can start buying things in bigger boxes like cereal,sweets, and even them in larger quanities

  11. Recycle, Use power-saving light bulbs and turn off your lights and any electrical appliances when you don't need them to be on.

  12. get rid of, microwave, t.v., lights, aerosol's, plastics and everything that is not biodegradable.

  13. What took you so long?

  14. begin being vegeterian, burn all waste in grill, dont use electricity, sell car and buy a good bicycle. dont buy new clothes untill old ones tear apart or wear completely

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