
What are some easy tips for kids to keep green?

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saving the environment, easy steps




  1. you can teach them the 4 r's : recycle reduse reuse and rot.

    then you can set out recycling bins and start a contest about who recycles the most. or you can write down some tips on a piece of paper and pass them out. and if they follow it maybe ...wait this for your own children or what? if it is , you can take them out for a treat if they do each tip like 3 times a week.  it could probaly get them to want to recycle and stuff.

  2. You can:


    Don't litter

    Buy tree seeds or flower seeds or even grass at nurserys, and plant them

    These are the easy steps to fight pollution and global warming!

    Hope this helps! :]

  3. 1. Always throw all your rubish in a bin.

    So all the little fishies in the ocean don't die by being strangled.

    2. Recycle whatever you can.

    So it can be used again.  Paper, Cardboad, Cans etc.

    3.Turn lights off that don't need to be used,

    The more you do it the more energy you will save!

    4. Ride or walk to school/work every now and then.

    This way is heathlier and better for the envroment because your not using gases to get you somewhere.

    5. When your cold, don't turn the heater on. get a jumper.

    It is also another way of saving energy and electricity.

    this will reduce bills and stuff for your parents. It's

    6.Make sure you also save water. Flush the toilet with the half flush, have quicker showers and water the garden with the water from the washing machine. It's pretty easy, and such a

    great idea good luck!

  4. For kids to keep green, it's reeeeally easy!  And it's great that you want to go green, because you are helping the environment!

    -Well, reduce, reuse, recycle! You know, don't buy everything in little individual packages. Then reuse your clothes, or donate them when they don't fit anymore. And anything you can reuse, you recycle if you can. And throwing it out should be the last thing you do,

    -Start a compost bin. This is where your banana peels or orange slices would go. Here's a good website for that:

    -Kids can also remember to turn off the lights when they leave a room. Or if you just open your windows, and let natural sun come through, you don't need to turn on the lights.

    -Also, go and play outside instead of just sitting and watching t.v., because that wasate's energy!

    -But if you like to sit on the computer playing video games, here are some good websites to check out to help the environment. Just click some buttons and help the environment:





    -You can also encourage your school to start a recycling program and stuff. You can make a club that would bring all the recycling from class rooms out to the big bins and whatnot.

    -Also tell your family and friends to "go green"

    -Encourage your parents to buy organic foods. They're better for you, and are better for the environment!

    -When buying new school clothes, or new summer clothes, by organic clothing. Or buy used clothing, so that no trees or anything is being ruined by your buying of the clothes.

    -If you bring water to school everyday, obt for a reusable one. You'll be using less plastic, and you can even get a really cool bottle! It'll make it fun.

    -If you're ever cold, don't turn on the heat. Just get a blanket and put a coat on, no energy wasted there.

    And just think about stuff before you do it! Think about your soda can and remember to recycle it! And think "Do I really need that toy? I already have a lot" ANd good luck!

  5. Here is an article geared towards families that list easy things that can be done to help the environment -

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