
What are some easy tips to make make a horse happy

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okay well im only 12 years old and my aunt has a 24 year old gelding qaurter horse. i see him alot too. but he isnt very active. hes not fat or anything but sometimes he never seems happy.also its summer too but he usually gets attitudes and he really isnt active! i mean u couldnt believe how lazy this horse is! but i just want to know if there are any easy things to do to make him more happy and active. and is there anything i can do to make it easier to handle him. cuz i cannot lead him with a lead rope he gets very angry for somereason when i try to walk him around. i just want ot know if there is any easy tips to make him not angry when i lead him.




  1. he's older and might have been worked hard all his life, now he is retired and wants to rest....just get him out of the pasture and take him to the back yard or a grassy area, brush him and give him treats, just spend time with him, dont worry about making him do any work or anything  

  2. when you get up there in age i'll be sure to make a note to hire someone to make you more active. true 24 isnt that old. . . but some horses age faster and just like being lazy after 24 years of working.

    go brush the horse, walk round with it and give it lovings . . . maybe it's just time the horse wants to relax instead of go go go all the time.

  3. hes just old, and if he just has a lazy personality then you cant really change it

  4. He's an older horse, so there's a good chance that he has arthritis. Just let him be. He would probably enjoy being brushed and lightly groomed as he stands an eats.

  5. bring snacks with you carrots apples cookies and lure them along soon thy will do it on their oawn also he is pretty old so he could just be tired!

  6. Horses have what I call "scratch spots".  These are areas where horses scratch other horses in mutual grooming.  Along the crest of their necks is one place, right below were the mane starts growing.  Scratch the codger's neck make him happy.

  7. You're already on the right track! Scratching his itchy spots is great, gentle grooming is great. Use a soft brush - who knows if he's ever had gentle grooming...and if he's grumpy about leading, he's probably been led into situations that were uncomfortable for him. You can honor that and talk to him - tell him that you want to be his friend, to help him be comfortable.

    Then...just be a kid who loves horses! Sit with him and don't ask anything of him, just share your day with him. If you feel like getting up and brushing because it feels good to you, then go for it! If you feel like just gently stroking his face or his shoulder, go for it! Most of the time, if you have a strong urge to touch a horse in a certain way, he's giving you the suggestion!

    When you are with him, see his beauty and let go of the rest. See him as perfect and whole, just as he is, no matter what his body looks like, no matter what his attitude looks like. Love him for who he is and enjoy his company, just because he IS who he is! Play with him, tell him jokes, laugh with him. Horses love laughter!

    ...and yes, carrots and apples taste good too. But he may not receive them as kindness the way you intend them until you show up as a person who thinks he is beautiful and perfect just as he is.

    Try scratching the fronts of his shoulders, right where his front legs come up into his shoulders on the sides of his chest. If you feel safe, when you both feel quiet and relaxed, lay your chest and head against the side of his shoulder and just breathe and relax with him. Don't expect him to respond in any particular way...just be there to love him.

    Again, don't expect anything of him. You will win his friendship by letting him be perfect just as he is and showing up to appreciate him and share your life with him.

  8. give him lots of loves and treats and talk to him! groom him and make him all shiny clean! im sur he would like that

  9. take him in a feild and gallop or jump over a natural obstacle like a log and if he is lazy thats due to poor diet and exersize plans

  10. He is an older horse, 24 for a horse is about the time for a retired horse that has had a good life. Depending on what discipline he has had his life and his riding career whether it was rarely ridden or ridden everyday day, this could lead to aging problems possibly like arthuritis or ligament issues or perhaps a bone structure problem. He could be in possible pain whenever he moves.

    It also could be an on and off day he has, Perhaps you could carry treats around for him to help him get use to you.

    Try a couple of bonding techniques

    - Grooming and patting

    - Hanging around with him

    - Giving him treats while petting and talking to him

    Anyways all you can do is just servey him for the next couple of days and if different problems start call out a vet for a vetcheck.


  11. Treats always help in these situations.

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