
What are some easy ways to get an 8 year old to stop sucking his thumb

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What are some easy ways to get an 8 year old to stop sucking his thumb




  1. bandages spicy stuff... reward him with a prestent at the end of the week if he goes the whole week do this for 4 weeks and a big one at the end of the month it doesnt have to be anything big  just some water gun from the dollar generall or like if ur planing on getting him a bike just tell him ill buy u a bike if u stop

  2. You can buy stuff that you put on there thumb so that it taste disgusting therefore they wont want to suck it anymore

    However i still sucked my thumb when i was 7 and i just taught myself not to by willpower and eventually i just stopped

    You can probably get some sort of mouth gard maybe so that it will be uncomfortable therefor he will stop

    Hope this helps (:  

  3. We tried those nasty-tasting nail-biter solutions.  She still sucked her thumb.

    We tried making her sleep with socks on her hands.  She still sucked her thumb.

    It didn't matter what we tried or what the dentist told her - she sucked her thumb until she decided she was ready to quit.

    So, from a parent who has been in your shoes - stop trying to make him stop.  You're only going to turn this into a control issue, and he's the one who is going to win.  It's HIS thumb, after all.  Just be sure you start putting money aside for braces, because he's going to have to have them.

  4. For the first week, keep your child's hands busy with puzzles, games, crafts, or other favorite activities. You may need to limit TV time since many children unconsciously suck their thumbs while watching TV.

    You may wish to use a bandage or a bad-tasting substance such as Thum that is painted on the fingernail to remind your child not to suck the thumb. If the bandage or coating comes off, replace it without being critical or embarrassing your child.

    Carefully remove your child's thumb from his or her mouth during sleep. Thumb-sucking at night is the most difficult habit to break. It may take up to 3 months before your child is able to fall asleep without thumb-sucking. Try offering a favorite stuffed animal or putting a hand puppet on your child's hand at bedtime as a reminder. Gently explain to your child that if he or she continues to suck the thumb during the night, the habit will not go away and the changes to the mouth will continue to occur.

    Avoid putting your child in situations that are upsetting while he or she is trying to break the thumb-sucking habit; your child will likely turn to thumb-sucking for comfort. Make sure your child gets enough sleep and food during this time.

    Offer plenty of praise when your child goes without thumb-sucking during an activity that normally would have included that habit. Do not shame or punish your child for thumb-sucking; this will only lower his or her self-esteem.

    I'll put a website in my Source that has some good information. I hope it works! Good luck! :)

  5. LMFAO this is so funny, because ive sucked my thumb my whole life, except i dont anymore.. i sucked my thumb til the age 3 to 10 and then we finally got some help, from a relative of mine

    Just put a spicy thing on his/her thumb, or put a sock over it, or wrap it with a bandage, the bandage part REALLY wrked for me, cause i never sucke my thumb since <3 take care , hope it wrks:D

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