
What are some easy ways to spread out the chores evenly ?

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in the house theres 2 teenagers and me and my husband.its time for us to really get the house cleaned up.the kids have there list of chores which should be done weekly.with work and school and sports and activities there is no time to clean and trust me my house needs it lol so any ideas what works in you house




  1. here is a good list for your two teenagers your husband and your self.


    Teen 1 does the dishes and cleans up after dinner along with keeping there rooms clean

    Teen 2 does and  folds laundry along with keeping there rooms clean

    You pick up around the house, cook dinner.

    Husband vacuums


    Teen 1 Picks up around the house Along with keeping room clean

    Teen 2 does dishes and cleans up after dinner

    You cook dinner

    Husband does nothing


    Teen 1 Does and folds laundry along with keeping room clean

    Teen 2 vacuums along with keeping room clean

    You do dishes and cleans up after dinner

    Husband cooks dinner


    Teen 1 cleans bathrooms along with keeping room clean

    Teen 2 cooks dinner along with keeping room clean

    You do nothing

    Husband does dishes and cleans up after dinner


    Teen 1 does and folds laundry along with keeping room clean

    Teen 2 Picks up around the house

    You cook and clean up after dinner

    Husband Vacuums


    Order take out, therefore no dishes. Day off as long as everyone room is clean

    Sunday CLEAN DAY!

    Teen 1 cleans the whole kitchen by doing dishes sweeping/moping floors

    Teen 2 Vacuums and picks  up around the house

    You and your husband do the big work like organize the basement, garage, wash rugs, stuff like that

    And just rearrange the chores every week or so. Make sure everyone does there part. And if for some reason the teens don't want to do there chore. you do it so that it gets done. and then take away something. Weither it be there allowence there cell phone or whatever. Make sure they know you mean business. It's not hard keeping a house clean. It has to be done. And by teaching your children to do there one chores it teaches them how to clean. your not always going to be there for them to pick up after them

  2. Try this.

    Get a large jar.  Write "Chore Jar"

    Then on pieces of paper write down chores such as:

    1.  Wash Bathroom floor

    2.  Dust furniture in living room

    3.  Vacuum main floor

    4.  Wash kitchen floor

    5.  Take our recycle

    Whatever chores need to be done once a week.  Make sure that whatever is listed on each sheet is ROUGHLY the same amount of work.  For easy chores, double them up on one sheet.  Also, be very specific. Instead of saying "clean bathroom" say "clean bathroom: wash floor, wipe down counter, put out fresh towels".

    Then each Sunday morning, everyone gathers and takes turns picking their chores for the day.  When the chores are done, they go back in the jar for next week.  That way, every one does different chores each week and in my house, sometimes the kids switch chores with each other if they prefer doing something else.  We never have "clean up your room" because that is a "personal" chore not a household chore.

    Why on earth don't the kids do the chores?  That makes no sence.  If you are hesitant and want to start off slow, start a "Kids Chore" jar and put the easier quicker chores in there, but you will be happier and have your chores done quicker and have more responsible kids if you all do chores each week.

  3. I don't have teenagers, and I know when I was a teenager it was like pulling teeth to get me to help sometimes, but if you take away a privilege until the work is done, I would think that would give them a good incentive.

    If they have jobs, you could do their chores and bill them... :) After they see how much it costs maybe they'll make it a priority.

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