
What are some easy ways to start making money on my three websites that i currently own?

by  |  earlier

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I am currently advertising on my sites banners,buttons etc. I have a good amount of traffic. What is something else i could do to get income in immediately? Also are surfsites good for getting traffic to your site?




  1. Here is a great affiliate program every online business needs.  You give it away to your customers or anyone just looking at your website.  You get $1 for everyone you give away up to $200 per month.  If you enroll other businesses into the program you also get a $1 for everyone they give away to their customers too.  

    Plus the software is brandable so you put your logo and website on it and now you are on the first page of Google for every keyword searched.  The software works when someone searches on Google or Yahoo or any major search engine it pops up at the bottom of the page and your logo will be on it.  It is a shopping comparison tool the best out there.  With one click you can see what you were searching for is priced on Ebay, Amazon, Walmart, Overstock, Target, Shopping Sites, etc. Dowload the software for yourself

    Sign up for more info:

  2. With this particular company you can advertise your web site, network and take advantage of the commission plan to make extra funds for yourself:

  3. There are a lot of ways to monetize on your website.

    Have you heard of Google Adsense yet? I'm sure you have, but if you haven't Google it and sign up.

    I don't know whether you are making any money with your banners, etc, but from what I've heard they don't work. In text links are far more effective, because people "believe" them more. A banner screams "they want my money!" so a lot of people don't click on them.

    What do you mean by immediate income? Making money online takes time. What people are looking for is information. So if you have good content, you make it to the top in the Search Engines, which means more traffic and potentially more money.

    There are a lot of affiliate programs you could sign up for, but choose the ones that go with the subject of your site so people "believe" you and think you're an expert and are more likely to click and buy.

    Since I don't know what your sites are about I can't say anymore but this.

    If you really want to make some steady income try building a site with Site Build It.

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