
What are some economic issues involving airplanes?

by Guest59602  |  earlier

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What are some economic issues involving airplanes?




  1. The FAA (federal aviation administration) is attempting to get a reauthorizaiton through congress that completely changes how FAA is funded and completely changes the user fees.  This will end up meaning that general aviation (not commercial) pays more than they currently do.  Currently the fees are implemented through a fuel tax.

    have you looked into fractional ownership of airplanes which is becoming very common?

    have you looked into the cost of keeping older airplanes going as opposed to buying newer airplanes?

    have you thought about fares that airlines charge flying passengers?

    pilot pay is a factor that comes up a lot with airplane operationsl costs.

    fuel costs are up a lot right now with airplanes.  it's a big problem and companies like fedex are putting a surcharge on overnight packages because of it.

    good luck

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