
What are some effective ways to counter someone using NLP?

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NLP = Neuro-linguistic programming




  1. The following videos will help you understand, that a lot of it deals with control and who says certain words first. Thus, keeping a person defensive.

    Interpreting Media (NLP) - 1 of 3

    Interpreting Media (NLP) - 2 of 3

    Interpreting Media (NLP) - 3 of 3

    It will take some time to watch all 3, but it is time well spent. When learning  how to counter NLP techniques...

  2. Why would you want to "counter" NLP and how does someone "use" NLP that needs countering?

    NLP is the brainchild of a couple of people who said they could observe the therapeutic techniques of several famous therapists and copy what they do, and therefore conduct therapy as effectively as they did.

    They did not come up with any psychological concepts or therapeutic techniques of their own. All their stuff is "borrowed" from other disciplines.

    NLP is not a therapy or counseling "school." It is more like one of the approaches from the 1970s, such as EST (Erhard Seminar Training, which he took from encounter group psychology and sensitivity training of the 1960s) or Gestalt Therapy (Fritz Perls). In fact, two of the people who write a lot about NLP now are two people who wrote books about Gestalt Therapy under different names!

    As you perhaps know, Tony Robins, the motivationalist, is said to have been a carpet salesman when he went to an NLP weekend and said to himself, "h**l, I can do that, and better, and make a lot of money!" or thoughts to that effect.

    And you should realize that, so far, there have been NO credible research studies of NLP, partly because there seems to be no way to measure its methods or its effects.

    Even so, I see nothing in it to "counter" unless someone in particular is trying to make you do or think something you don't want.

    Keep in mind that NLP today is heavily into hypnosis. This began with their emphasis on the work of Milton Erickson and their assumption that if Erickson could be successful with hypnosis, they could be too. As one result, "hypnosis" centers have been springing up all over the country, all based on NLP ideas about hypnosis. Right now, in Connecticut, there is a big to-day about a major NLP hypnosis center.

  3. Tell them all your secrets.

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