
What are some endangered animals that are good to research?

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What are some endangered animals that are good to research?




  1. the polar bear!!!!!!!!!!! u can get more info at

  2. There are tons of animals soon to be endagered!  I would go with polar bears, eagles, and there is a lot more!  Try this web site:  Goodluck

  3. Elephants. ^.^

  4. Sturgeon..this massive fresh water fish was thought to be almost extinct just 10 years ago. They are coming back now that the waters here in the USA have been cleaned up a bit. The hippie..this creature roamed the streets stoned all the time in the 70,s. You rarely see one these days.

  5. The Bald Eagle I believe was recently taken off the endangered list. The Narwhal Whale would be the most interesting to me because of its habitat and unknown behaviors and numbers. The Clouded Leopard is another. I have seen them in captivity. The beautiful and deadly Siberian Tiger is another.

  6. The Bald Eagle,

  7. It all depends. Are you researching in books/net or are you going out in the field and studying them? Are you trying to find something obscure or do you want cute and fuzzy? Are you thinking local or World? From a certain environment or Class (mammal, reptile, insect, bird, fish)

    Species can be classified endangered locally or nationally. For example the Gray Wolf is considered endangered in most of the lower 48 states and is delisted in Alaska (they even allow hunting!)

    Look at your local lists and decide which species means something to you. If you are going to learn about it - make it something you can be passionate about. It will make the research much more fun.

  8. Bald Eagle

  9. An endangered species is a population of an organism which is at risk of becoming extinct because it is either few in numbers, or threatened by changing environmental or predation parameters. An endangered species is usually a taxonomic species, but may be another evolutionary significant unit. The World Conservation Union  has calculated the percentage of endangered species as 40 percent of all organisms based on the sample of species that have been evaluated through 2006.[2] (Note: the IUCN groups all threatened species for their summary purposes.) Many nations have laws offering protection to these species: for example, forbidding hunting, restricting land development or creating preserves. Only a few of the many species at risk of extinction actually make it to the lists and obtain legal protection. Many more species become extinct, or potentially will become extinct, without gaining public notice

  10. I think the most important endangered species we need to be educating people about right now are Sharks.  There is a really helpful video that just came out . You should be able to find it in any video store in teh new Release section, it's called Sharkwater.  Sharks are the only animals who have remained unchanged throughout hte course of evolution. They are perfect animals, and they used to be the top of the food chain until the past 15 or so years.  In the past 15-20 years humans have killed off more than 90% of the sharks on earth.  The shark fin trade generates billions of dollars to those who hunt and kill sharks illegally.  Some countries it's illegal, some countries it's not.. but people pay thousands of dollars for a pound of shark fin meat because in China it's believed to have curative properties.  People will pay $90 or more for a bowl of shark fin soup.  So sharks are going to become extinct if we don't do something. And once they become extinct, they will cease to be the top predators in the ocean.. the fish they eat will become over populated--fish that only consume plankton.  Then these fish will consume massive amounts of plankton and we, humans, will find ourselves deprived of oxygen.  Plankton in the ocean generate 70% of the oxygen we breath on earth.

  11. If by good, you mean plentiful material, then I'd go with the peregrine falcon, for starters.  Just when they thought the species was recovering from DDT there's a new concern.

    Others are California Condor and the Devil's Hole Pupfish.

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