
What are some endangered speciecies in the US?

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i need the breeeds name why there endangered and what state their located in




  1. people with out the wool pulled over their eyes. free thinkers who are not scared or almost broke,  the grizzly bear

  2. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is tasked with running the Endangered Species Act (see link below).

    Currently they have some 1,237 animals listed as endangered and over 745 plants.

    There is a great search engine called TESS (Threatened and Endangered Species System) that can track down the status of a species you are interested in (see second link).  What I like about this is that you can, for example, type in "wolf" and get a good idea on which wolves are in trouble in North America.

    This database gives details on breed, location, factors hurting them, etc.

    Think this might be just what you are looking for.

  3. Prairie Chicken

    Only found (I think) in a prairie reserve in south-east Illinois.They are endangered because farmers got plow happy and replaced the prairie with farmland.

  4. Endangered Birds:

    California Condor

    Least Bell's Vireo

    Southwestern Willow Flycatcher

    Brown Pelican

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