
What are some enviromental challenges facing the world?

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What are some enviromental challenges facing the world?




  1. 1. Deforestation (loss of habitat, trees reduce CO2)

    2. Peak Oil (Petrlueum in a non-renewable resource that we are using up too fast and it will run out)

    3. Global Warming (Increase in "greenhouse gases")

    4. Thinning Ozone (hotter weather, more radiation, caused by airborne chemicals and compounds that detach the 3 oxygens)

    5. Pollutants in the Air, Water and our Homes

    (killing and mutating sea animals, blocking the sun, making amazing but smelly sunsets, acid rain, toxics in plastics and other artificial products in the home harm people)

    6. Waste (p**p polluting waterways, landfills leaching polluntants into the soil, stacking up with styrofoam, waste clogging the oceans and even reaching antartica, loss of non-renewable resources, pollutants from factories)

    I'm sure there's more, this is just off the top of my head.


  2. Deforestation is probably the biggest. We are far more dependant on the forests than we realize. And we are clearing them away like there is no tomorrow.

    We are also in grave danger from heavy metal and chemical pollution. The CFL bulbs that people buy to "save the earth" contain mercury. This mercury is being spread out into the environment and is contaminating our groundwater and soil. Global warming is a theory, mercury poisoning is not.

  3. In my opinion the biggest environment-related challenge is that many of the claims of environmentalists are highly exaggerated.  This results in language that speaks of destruction and doom when less urgent words would be appropriate.  

    This makes sensible and informed people tune out from the real problems.  The environmentalists keep crying wolf but when there's a problem there will be nobody to listen to them.

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