
What are some environmental impacts of food?

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  1. Transporting food long distances increases greenhouse gases because diesel trucks are used.  Also growing food with pesticides may be affecting ccd in bees, can poison surrounding water resevours, and may lead to health concerns for humans.  This is why organic and local are best.

  2. The most comprehensive book I've seen is "Diet for a Dead Planet' by Christopher D. Cook.

    Check out books by Vandana Shiva, or Frances Moore Lappe's Diet for a Small Planet.  Or, "animal, vegetable, miracle" by Barbara Kingsolver.  

    Some environmental impacts of food include:

    heavy use of petroleum based fertilizers, which, ironically, deplete the health of the soil, and create nitrate-runoff which poisons nearby streams and water sources.

    Another, industrial meat farms- putting 100,000's of livestock in one area creates HUGE piles of manuer, which then becomes a poison because there is so much of it in one place.

    Another thing is monoculture (growing only one crop instead of many).  This is very dangerous.  Ecosystems work best the more diversity of plants and animals there is.

    Transportation- including refrigeration and hauling over 1,000s of miles is very damaging to the environment

  3. The Persimmon seed had a spoon in it this year. Its environmental impact is: We'll be shoveling snow this winter.

  4. Did you know that cows produce methane and that this contributes to our isues with global warning and the ozone?

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