
What are some examples of cultural traits that are assumed for humans living 35000 years ago?

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What are some examples of cultural traits that are assumed for humans living 35000 years ago?




  1. 35,000 years ago, other than about 10,000 Neanderthals who lived in cold Europe, most Homo sapiens tribes lived in groups of 30-200, with an Alpha Male and Female, and were nomadic hunter-gatherers, roaming around Sub-Saharan Africa and much of Asia & Australia, just beginning to approach Eastern Europe, later to become known as Cro-Magnon.

    They made temporary shelters, were not overly concerned with sanitation, and collected food together, as large extended families, who were bound to remain close to fresh/sweet water sources. Some made jewelry and painted as a luxory, during their "leisure-time"...

  2. Cultural traits fell more into tribes and areas of dietary genetic evolution.In an area where people inhabited a coastal region such as atlantic or pacific rim. This area waconsidereded to be hunter gatherer. the dietary sources were mos abundantnt and beneficial in these areas. They are Marker by genetics as several different HLA Markers. For example HLA DQ2 is an Atlantic rim hunter gatherer. The HLA DQ8 is considered Pacific Rim. The dietary complexity in these areas where of the best diversification for evolutiona structureure. Its was basically simalar to the diet of a bear. We ate small mammal such as goat and sheep and perhaps deer. We all know that this diet is also mixed up with our true basic food groups. Meat and fish. Ground root starches, nuts and berries. No where in our evolution 35000 years ago did we eat Wheat. Wheat is new on our evolutionary scale. Roughly only 10000 years in our dietary charts.Now there are other less diverified areas of genetic evolution such as stressful climate evolution.Desert and mountain and extreme cold offer less of a smorgishbourg for our evolutionary dietary needs.The desert offered little in the way of omega fatty acids we now know very helpful in the process of evolutionary advncement. The extreme colder climates offer little in the way of fruits and vegatables, therefor leaving a lack of certain essential vitamins in these regions with a posative effect on the evolution of said area. We know that cultures have been worldwide for more than your 35000 years. The north american ancestry goes schway back!Of coarse North america is the newest of the settlements having theoretically cross the bearing staights from asia. The oldest culture is that of the earths heart. The continent of Africa. All cultures black, white hispanic and mongul originated there. Did this help you?  

  3. Cave art would be the only thing to follow from that time period and even then I'm not sure if there are drawings that go back that far, but I'm gonna say hitting a woman over the head and dragging her back to the cave would be the biggest assumption in my mind, that and that they were unsophisticated dolts.

  4. spearing things?

    with spears?


    i dont know.

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