
What are some examples of evolution as a slow and steady process?

by Guest62463  |  earlier

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I know its not always slow but I'm focusing on the slow aspects.




  1. Evolution isn't a process.  That implies that a species goes in for evolution and comes out the other side as another species or something like that.  Evolution is just the changing condition of life through the increase in the frequency of a particular gene variation among a population.

    Calling that slow and steady, or fast an unstable, is really misleading.

    Some species and some traits are in "stasis" or are being maintained.

    But as for examples, that depends on your scale.  It could be argued that for 20 -- 30,000 years human beings have undergone little evolutionary change, but even  with that there have been increases in average height, the reduction of the dental pattern, a diminishing of sexual dimorhism, and more.

    If all you're after are species which haven't branched off into whole new species for a long time, the crocodile and the coelecanth are both of great antiquity.

  2. It is not always slow and steady.  Darwin was wrong and didn't completely understand the mechanism.  We have since learned that it is not slow at all when animals enter new niches that require modification.  It is very slow and steady when animals are ideally suited for their environment.  Since they are ideal there is very little selection except to maintain a particular form.  The fact that people use that as an argument against natural selection shows how ignorance is the main "proof" in their arguments.

    There is also no such thing as an animal that is purely transitional even though all animals change.  They are both just ignorant ideas that misinterpret what is actually going on.

  3. bravozulu is correct but to give an example of a slow process of incremental changes, look at the changes from eohippus (a small primitive horse) to modern horses.   Evolution should not generally thought of as slow and steady.

  4. There are none. There are no transitional fossils evolution is over 100 years old and they are still trying to dig up a myth.

    Modern scientists study a new theory called "Intelligent Design".

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