
What are some examples of how people rip off the welfare system?

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  1. Lieing about your income by working for cash and not reporting job changes or wage changes are two examples of many.

  2. Pretending to be mentally ill.

    You can go on the benefit if you are mentally ill, and have had a doctor or psychiatrist asses you.

  3. there is a certain person my family knows that claims disibility. and then even with her condition has had several kids... just because, then claims them for welfare and child support.

  4. They claim they are too big to fail and then ask the government for a bailout.

  5. 1. They lie about their income.

    2. They use other people children.

    3. They have friends who work in the department.

  6. they lie about there husband left and about their income

  7. #1 they get a job that pays in cash and work under the table so that they do not pay taxes which makes it look like they have no income coming in.

  8. Having more children intentionally to collect more funds, having a baby intentionally to someone to get on the same  case (or have a case when they normally would not be able to) to recieve more funds without marrying, under the table paying job, making fradulent claims, editing paystubs, applying for a false dissability to recieve disability funds and payment from welfare and SSI

  9. They claim that if their corporation fails, it will affect the U.S. economy and cost thousands of jobs. Then they get government bail-outs, low-cost government loans, tax abatements, special tax deductions, property tax relief, and business incentives thanks to the largess of the U.S. taxpayers. Corporate welfare has cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars without benefit; social welfare programs cost taxpayers far less money and actually help citizens who are disabled, sick, elderly, unemployed, underprivileged, disadvantaged, homeless or hungry.

    Poor people have no power.

    Fat cats hire lawyers and lobbyists or bribe politicians to continue sucking off the government teat.  

    Then there's people over 62 who collect Social Security even though they have handsome little nest eggs and lots of assets (because they're 'entitled' to it). And there's millions of homeowners who expect a property tax exemption (because they're 'entitled' to it). We just don't want to give 'entitlements' to those people whom might be less fortunate than we are.  -RKO-  07/25/08

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