
What are some examples of saying such as "holy cow" or "thats bananas!"

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What are some examples of saying such as "holy cow" or "thats bananas!"




  1. Jeepers Creepers!

    Good golly Miss Molly!

    Jiminy Crickets!

    Heavens to Murgatroyd!


    Holy quacamole!

    Shiver me timbers!

    Sufferin Suckatash!

    What in tarnation?!

    Leapin Lizards!

    Jumpin Jehosophat!

    Well I'll be a monkey's uncle.


    Holy Long John Silver, Batman!

    Holy demolition, Batman!

    "Holy strawberries Batman! We're in a jam!"

    Holy Kleenex Batman, it was right under our nose's and we blew it !!!!!!!

    Heavens to Betsy!

    heavens sake!

    Land sakes alive!

    For the love of Pete!

    Lo and behold!

    It's a Doozy!


    Well, I'll be hogtied and hornswoggled!

  2. cool beans

  3. Geez Louise LOL

  4.      holy sh*t

         holy c**p

         that's whack

         oh my God

         are you *serious*?

         you gotta be kidding!

         no (....'n) way!

         oh, hellll no!

         you canNOT be serious!

         I don't THINK soooo!

         get outta town!

         get (the h**l) outta heere!

         that's wicked (crazy, stupid, nuts) - Yeah, I'm from MA ;)

  5. eee gad

    jimminy crickets


    gollllllllly (Gomer Pile voice)

  6. pretty cool

    sorry I meant pretty ugly

  7. that's wack

  8. Find a copy of the book "Heavens to Betsy."  Its filled with hundreds of such sayings and their origins.

  9. holy guacamole

    sweet nib lets! [miley cyrus...]

  10. that's nuts

    holy ****

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