
What are some examples of using cells? As in electricity?

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  1. If you're reporting on hydrogen fuel cells, be sure to examine the source of the hydrogen.  There are no hydrogen wells; we can only get it by (1) heating up natural gas until the carbon falls out of it, leaving hydrogen or (2) dissociating water, which requires power from a fossil-fuel or nuclear power station.  That's it.  

    So as swell as it might seem, the whole technology is faintly bogus.

  2. batteries ?

  3. Fuel cells, hydrogen cells,

    not sleeper cells

  4. batteries.

  5. Fuel cells are being used in several Chicago buses (as in Public Transportation system). The streaming billboard in NY's Times Square also runs on fuel cell technology...great stuff!

  6. Hydrogen Fuel Cells combine Hydrogen with oxygen to create water and also electricity. Have you ever heard of how if you apply high voltages to water it splits? Well if you combine Hydrogen and Oxygen it creates electricity. The electricity is then used to power electric motors. Go Green!

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