
What are some excellent grammar guides

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I want to hear from the English majors and grammarians. What book or which books, do you think, are the best guides to grammar.




  1. Try this software English Grammar 1.2 I think it is helpful. Download here

  2. This is a simple answer that most individuals who have studied English above the undergraduate level will answer in locked unison.

    The answer is Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr.

    It is, simply, the best guide. It is worshiped by a wide array of graduate students and doctorates alike.

    You can find an Online copy of it in my source section.

  3. google for the blue book of grammar  

  4. I would recommend Grammar Smart from "the princeton review"

    _ the guide to perfect usage.

    ( It's great, would really help... but it also depend on you if you want to learn or not... that is just my opinion.)

    or maybe The elements of style by william strunk jr. and E.B white.  

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