
What are some excercises to help you do the splits?

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heyy i would like to kno some excercises so i can do the splits coz im doing a dance in september and would really like to be able to do the splits in them is it possible in that amount of time?





  1. well lots of stretching is obvious,

    pushing your self and holding them

    really long help. an exercise i like to

    do that hurts alot, but i see a difference

    is, find a chair and sit on the floor in

    front of it, facing it, place your front leg

    on the very edge of the seat and keep

    your back leg on the floor, and push until

    you feel a stretch, make sure not to push

    yourself too far, until your body is ready,

    maybe start by holding it for like 15 seconds,

    rest then hold it for 20, then 30, slowly but

    gradually get bigger, but make sure your

    resting. good luck with everything =)

  2. this may help and it may not but my dance teacher for lyrical told me this trick take slow deep breathes and slowly go down as you take the deep breathes do this like everyday also try hanging on to a high surface like a counter top or a table and relax and hang take it slow because you don't want to hurt yourself best of luck and i hope you love dance as much as i do

  3. stretch a little first you dont want to pull ten days no its not really possible but you dont have to be all the way down

    just stretch duh then hold the splits for a minute if you want it that badly you just have to push yourself hard dont let go! and dont give up! watch tv or something or even watch the clock, time yourself youll get down soon enough

    hope this helps :D

  4. 1. Lunges

    2. also when you go into your splits put your head on your knee...this will put extra weight on your legs which will make you go down further.

    3. Lay down with your back on the floor, butt against a flat wall and your legs spread out on the wall. Allow the weight from your legs to bring your legs further this everyday for 15 minutes straight

  5. having lots of s*x in unusal positions can help make you very flexible  

  6. Hey this is all you need to know ..good luck! x  

  7. If you hold your split for 1 minute everyday for a week, you split will become 1 inch lower. 2 min/day= 2 inches/week, etc.

  8. Yes it is possible.

    I learned by just practicing and practicing

    keep going lower and lower and eventually it will turn into a complete split!

    be sure to stretch your legs first though. like running, or stretching it on the wall.

    Im a gymnast and my coaches taught me that way

    you cant rush these type of things, but if you try hard enough, you could definitely have it by september !! (:

    how i helped :D

  9. Keep stretching and practicing. Eventully you`ll get lower and lower to a split.

    : )


  10. do the splits

  11. basically you have to actually stretch in the splits and you will gradually go lower

  12. hard to explain but/.......

    ok get down on ur left knee

    put your right foot flat (so it looks like ur proposing, lol)

    push your right knee out as far as you can, but don't let it go over your ankle (move your foot and toes forward a little for this)

    then hold for a few seconds

    then pull your right kneee in so your right leg is straight.

    and so you have your heel touching the ground

    push your heel forward until it hurts then stop and stretch

    repeat until u can do the splits

    also don't forget to do the same with the other leg

  13. Stretch everyday like 2 times a day for 30 minutes

    sit dowm with legs apart and reach over to your left foot and hold for 30 seconds (if you feel like a sharp pain then stop...i repeat...STOP...immediatley you dont want to pull a muscle. its going to hurt obviously becuz your stretching your muscles but if you feel something like just sharp pain then stop.) then stretch over to your right foot and hold 30 seconds. then stretch to the front and go as far out as you can. and hold for 30 second. then there are lots of other stretches you can do

    hope this helps

  14. you got to stretch everyday like for half and our or go to the gym!!....hope it helped!

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