
What are some excercises to increase my vertical?

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I am only six feet tall and need some exercises for over the summer to help me for volleyball next year




  1. squats, leg presses ( both one legged alternating and two legged: different weights for different excercises) cardio on an incline, lunges, calf raises, stairmaster or weighted step box training, box jumps will help as well.

  2. i'm 5'7 and my high school's outside hitter. My coach had me put a piece of tape on the wall and jump up to touch it 25-30 times. Then each day, move the tape up a little higher. It really helped me. Hope i helped. good luck.

  3. There are many things you can do.  Some basic squats are a good starting spot.  I'd recommend starting off with some very deep squats with lower amounts of weight to give you a basic foundation, but have someone see to it that your technique is good.  Power cleans are really good because they help develop explosiveness, but you need to have someone teach you them correctly because they do not come naturally for everyone.

    Assuming you are in high school though, after building a good foundation, the biggest key for you is to jump a lot!! Box jumps, as one poster stated, are a great way to develop explosiveness.  When you do them, remember to jump as high as you can each time and spend as little time on the ground as possible.  

    There are a ton of jumping exercises that you can find online and many of them are good, but the key is that you need to always jump at 100%.  You want to train yourself to push yourself to jump your highest every single time.  

    One of the easiest and best ways that anyone can help increase their vertical is to find a basketball court and practice trying to dunk.  By doing this, you have a goal that you are reaching towards and thus will be able to push yourself to jump your highest.  At first you might be just trying to touch the rim. Then when you do that, work to try to dunk a tennis ball. Then set the goal of dunking a volleyball, then a basketball, then bigger and better dunks etc.  Each time through these stages make sure to take your volleyball approach and jump 100%.  It won't happen overnight, but this jumping and trying to touch a "goal" is one of the best ways to increase your vertical because it teaches you to jump to your max.

  4. Box jumps. Just find something thats 3 or so ft tall and jump up and land on it then back down. Do timed sets and see how many you can do in a minute etc. This definatly increase peoples verticals

  5. Put a cone on one side of you or in front of you. Try jumping over it 20 times in a row. My v-ball coach made me do this all the time and it  increased my vertical in volleyball and when it came to basketball I could finally approach it and touch the rim! Hope I helped!

  6. try to be 4' 11'' and playing front row and i have no vertical i think you should try to practice your approach and your jump when you go down thats what my coachs told me to do

  7. my height is only 4.5 feet.plz give idea to make it six feet.then i will give you idea how to increase your height.plz send email.

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