
What are some excersies I can do to improve my turnout?

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I'm currently taking dance again at the age of 28 (after being out for 18 years but took gymnastics for 10 of it) and my turnout is horrid. I am switching dance schools this next week and it sounds like I may get to start beginning pointe after speaking with the instructor, but i really want to work on my turnout so I will be better on pointe. Also, I would like some good flexiblity stretches. ( former gymnast, but none of my stretches are working they are stretching the wrong muscles.)




  1. Clams. Lie on your side, legs slightly bent, and open and close the top one, like a clam. then do some with legs off the ground.

    Otherwise, lie on your front with one leg in pirouette position at the front (so it is underneath your other leg), and try to push your hip to the ground

  2. You can do frogs. This is when you lay on your stomach and basically do a backwards butterfly. This will helps your turn out. Do splits and hold you legs up in front, on the side, and behind you to improve flexibility.

    Good luck and hope this helps!!!

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